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    V18 - can't get the BNA EDI orders to notuse passive FTP

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 16.02

    Since our upgrade to v18, our EDI transmissions to BNA (Blackwell) have failed because BNA's server won't accept a passive FTP.

    I have tried to follow the instructions on how to get the ftp to be active rather than passive, but am not having any luck.

    I have edited my mbb50/tab/edi_out_attr file and tried the following setups, but all result in a passive FTP. Can you help me determine what is wrong? We have 3 weeks of BNA orders waiting to go out.

    BNA 1A00N UTF_TO_8859_1
    BNA 1A00 UTF_TO_8859_1
    BNA 1A000 UTF_TO_8859_1
    BNA 1A001 UTF_TO_8859_1 [ <Tania Fersenheim > ]

    The ALEPH site is sending EDI orders to a vendor (BNA) who will not accept files using passive FTP. The header of edi_out_attr says this for switch 5:

    ! N (default) = "passive" command is not inserted in the batch file for ftp
    ! delivery.
    ! Y = "passive" command is inserted in the batch file.

    Consequently, they set this switch to N. The file was rejected by BNA with the report that they didn't accept passive FTP. They also omitted this switch altogether, since the default is 'Don't insert the "passive" command. It was still sent as passive. It turns out the the passive command is a toggle, so if your FTP begins in passive mode, 'N' keeps it in passive mode. The problem is that, unlike other operating systems, the default for linux is passive FTP. So the way you get out of passive FTP in linux is to set switch 5 to 'Y'

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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