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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    Validation in the GUI modules is being done on English language (eng) tables, even though a different language has been selected for the Aleph GUI interface

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 21

    Problem Symptoms:
    Values in GUI dropdown lists are being populated correctly from the (non-English) version of the relevant tables, but the values are being flagged as invalid because validation is being done against the English version of the tables, which are not being used or maintained.

    The setenv variable for control_lng in ./alephe/aleph_start is set to ENG.

    Change the control_lng variable in aleph_start to the relevant language (FRE, GER, HEB, etc.)

    Additional Information

    If there is a chance that any GUI users may uses a language interface other than the local (primary) language, it is imperative that all language-based tables that may be invoked have their synchronized. Specifically, insure that all codes in language-based tables that may be used are the same from one language to the next. Of course, the display form of these codes can and should be written in the relevant language.

    Category: System Management

    • Article last edited: 11/20/2013