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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    Version check is grayed out in the networked clients.

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    We are having trouble because the Version check is grayed out in the networked clients.

    I reinstalled the networked GUI on my PC and it has not enabled version check to run - it is still grayed out.
    There is no such problem on the stan-alone, not network, client.

    When I open the GUI, a prompt for profile pops up, and I enter my own profile.

    The system is designed to work as follows:
    If there is a main network installation of the GUI and the user enters with a profile then the version check will be inactive.
    If there is a main network installation of the GUI and the user enters with "default" profile then the version check will be active.
    The reason behind this is that the version check works only on an actual "installation".
    When a user enters with a profile he is not working with a directory which is an actual "installation" but rather on a version which contains only specific selected files.

    Additional Information

    network, version check, profile

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013