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    Web catalog not displaying search results

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    Problem Symptoms:
    Web OPAC searching seems to work, but search results don't display: the Results screen (Brief List) is empty (no records).

    1. If the GUI Search works OK, check the GUI Circ --> "Patrons" tab (in top row) --> Patron Profile

    a. dlib to the $usr_library and do util a/17/14 for the z61 table. Does it show missing z61 Oracle indexes?

    b. Is there an "ALEPH" profile record? There needs to be.

    c. Is the "Records per Page" value in the profile "00"?

    2 . If the GUI Search also has the problem, check the www_server (or pc_server) log for z110 errors, such as:

    io_z110_write: REATTEMPTING TO WRITE Z110...

    Oracle error: io_z110_write
    ORA-01653: unable to extend table VIR01.Z110 by 128 in tablespace TS0

    The root cause of the problem may be spiders (robots).

    1a. Do util a/17/2 (n $usr_library) for z61 to build the missing z61 Oracle indexes

    1b. If there's no ALEPH profile, consult KB 16384-33858 ("Web OPAC search results don't display; missing ALEPH profile record")

    1c. In the Profile record being used (most commonly the "ALEPH" profile), change the "Records per Page" value from '00' to a value such as '20'.

    2. Run clear_vir01 to drop/create the z110 table -- and the z63 table which may also be involved.

    To diagnose the root cause:

    a. cd $LOGDIR
    b. grep -c googlebot www_server*
    c. If this shows large amount of googlebot activity, note the ip address of the googlebot, such as:

    ip address: 424
    Header: From <googlebot(at)>
    Header: User-Agent <Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Google

    s+ vir01
    vir01@ALEPH20> select Z63_CLIENT_ADDRESS, count(*) from z63 group by Z63_CLIENT_ADDRESS order by count(*) desc;
    **** Hit return to continue ****

    -------------------- ---------- 2100 <-- as seen above, is the googlebot address

    > grep -c googlebot www_server_4991*

    If there's no problem with spiders, then it may be that a datafile needs to be added to the tablespace. See Article 000042053 ("Oracle error: io_z110_write") (link below).

    Additional Information

    Article link:  Oracle error: io_z110_write

    Category: Web OPAC (500)

    • Article last edited: 4/7/2014