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    What is the difference between check_circ_1_d and check_circ_9_a?

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 16.02

    What is the difference between the tab_check_circ check_circ_1_d and the check_circ_9_a?

    The check_circ_1_d considers the number of letters (notices) which have been sent. It is triggered only if the overdue item's z36_letter_no is equal to or greater than the tab100 OVERDUE-LETTER-NO.

    The check_circ_9_a (and 9_b) is triggered regardless of how many notices have been sent if the patron has more overdue items than is specified for their status in tab_block_circ. The advantage to check_circ_9_a / 9_b is that it is sensitive to sublibrary, patron status, recalled vs. regular overdues, and cash owed.
    All of these checks can be specified together: the use of check_circ_9_a / 9_b does not preclude the use of check_circ_1_d.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013