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    What is z308-encryption "H" (seen in the XML format)?

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    In the XML example, z308-encryption is set to "H".
    What does "H" mean? In the field descriptions, it says "Must be set to Y (for all new records)". We usually set the field to "Y" for *all* records... is that still okay with XML format?

    From the z308.pdf document :
    "This is a toggle field that indicates whether the Z308-VERIFICATION field is encrypted or not. Previously the values were Y and N. As of version 17 instead of Y the system puts H (Hexa). H (Y) indicates that the field is encrypted. N indicates that the field is not encrypted. The system knows how to read the old encryption (Y) even though it will always write the new encryption (H). Note that the ENCRYPT-Z308 flag in the tab100 table of the related administrative (ADM) library’s tab directory determines whether the patron’s ID records should be encrypted or not when they are created online."

    In the PLIF, you can use either "H" or "Y". If you use, "Y", it will be converted by the program to "H" (since the new encryption will be used).

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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