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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    When Running Year End Procedures

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    When running year end procedures per the steps in the document attached to KB we are having trouble in that there are not budgets assigned to the invoices for Serials There are no budgets assigend to this invoice because there isn't one in the order.

    We do not encumber serials is that why this is not working for Serials? It all worked perfectly in Monographs.

    The only step in the document that we didn't perform was this:

    3) Change all serial orders and standing orders that have been Sent to Vendor with an invoice status of C to invoice status P
    a. SQL: update z68 set z68_invoice_status = P where z68_order_type = S and z68_order_status = SV and z68_invoice_status = C;
    b. SQL: update z68 set z68_invoice_status = P where z68_order_type = O and z68_order_status = SV and z68_invoice_status = C;
    c. 2 minutes

    If there were just one Serials fund, something might be done using SQL, but, since there were multiple, they needed to go into each order and do "Encumber" then "Add Budget" -- which they were able to do.

    {Note: In doing the "Add Budget" they had the issue with the old budget appearing as an option in addition to the new: See KB 5703 for solution.}

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013