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    Where in the indexing is a non-preferred heading changed to an established?

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 19.01

    When p_manage_102 and p_manage_02 are running to index headings, at what stage, and how, is the non-preferred heading changed to the established heading?

    There is no p_manage_02 or p_manage_102 option to do this.

    The update of the bib record is done via fix_doc_ref_1. fix_doc_ref_1 can be invoked in two ways in tab_fix:

    1. as part of ue_01:
    INS fix_doc_ref_1

    2. as part of p_manage_103:
    REF fix_doc_ref_1
    (p_manage_103 looks for the tab_fix label "REF".)

    p_manage_103 is in the GUI Services menu. The description ("Trigger z07 records") is incorrect; p_manage_103 updates the BIB record by invoking the "REF fix_doc_ref_1" (fixed by v20 rep change 2368).

    Given the fact that fix_doc_ref_1 is doing only the ACC portion of the BIB, p_manage_103 may be more efficient than running a complete ue_08, the primary alternative. A complete ue_08 generates a z07 record for each BIB record containing a heading,... which is pretty much every BIB record.

    Additional Information

    p-manage-103, p-manage-02

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013