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    With separate www_server, apache needs to run on Web server?

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    We have a separate Web server, so I guess apache needs to be restarted on this separate Web server. Correct?

    But the url they’re connecting to is not the web-server url, and there is no re-direction. Is this OK?

    Looking at a site which has a separate Web server in Production on v20, I find that, though apache is running on *both* the app server and the Web server, users are connecting to the URL of the Web server; and that the ./apache/logs files on the app server are very small and show no access since March 1, while the ./apache/logs files on the Web server show normal activity, up to the current date/time.

    Therefore, I conclude that apache needs to be running on the Web server, that that's where users should connect, and that apache does not need to be running on the app server.

    Note: the www_server is running on the app server (rather than the Web server), and the www_server log is on the app server.

    Checking the .tml files used by the utml function (which may or may not actually be being used), we see that the www_server.conf file must also have certain variables set to the WWW_HOST/www_server:

    >grep HOST_WWW *tml
    aleph_start.tml: setenv WWW_HOST @_HOST_WWW
    aleph_start.tml: setenv PDS_HOST @_HOST_WWW
    www_server.conf.tml: setenv server_httpd "http://@_HOST_WWW:$HTTPD_PORT"
    www_server.conf.tml: setenv server_httpsd "https://@_HOST_WWW:@_HTTPS_PORT"
    www_server.conf.tml: setenv server_css "http://@_HOST_WWW:$HTTPD_PORT"
    www_server.conf.tml: setenv server_css_ssl "https://@_HOST_WWW:@_HTTPS_PORT"

    We can generalize as follows: apache (and only apache) needs to running on the "Web server".

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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