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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    Workstation shuts down when accessing ALEPH circulation

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    One of our client workstation at the Reference Desk occasionally generates the following systems error message we we access the the circulation GUI module:

    :" instruction at 0x004c49bc referenced memory 0x014f000 could not be read. "

    Then the circulation program terminates.

    Do you know why an error message like that occurs, and is there anything we can do to prevent this?

    You say "one of our client workstations". I assume that this means that this happens only on this pc and that others do not have this problem accessing Circulation. Correct?

    Assuming it is just this one pc: compare the date and size of the .\Circ\bin\circ.exe file on a pc which is working OK to this one which is not.

    If you find that they are different and your site is using version-check, either version-check was not done on this pc or it failed. That needs to be worked out, but to solve this particular problem you can copy the circ.exe from the working pc to this problem pc.

    If you find they are the same, then you need to consider differences between the working and non-working pc's: Is one XP and one Vista? 32-bit vs. 64-bit? Etc.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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