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    Z13u (Short Bibliographic Record) does not contain data defined for 461 field

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    Problem Symptoms:
    * The following line is added to ./xxx01/tab/tab22
    USER-DEF-4 1 461#1 a
    * Check the Short doc z13u record via util f/4
    * 461 field is not included in the z13u.

    * In ./xxx01/tab/tab_expand is present the following line:
    CREATE-Z13 expand_doc_split
    * ./xxx01/tab/tab_expand_split, that is required for expand_doc_split program, splits a field into separate parts. Configuration present in the table splits the 461 field in two parts:
    461#1 1 498## 499##
    * The expand_doc_split program in ./xxx01/tab/tab_expand replace the 461 field with 498 and 499 fields in the expanded bibliographic record
    * The required subfield a is present in the 499## field

    * Edit .xxx01/tab/tab22 and modify the line for USER-DEF
    USER-DEF-4 1 461#1 a
    USER-DEF-4 1 499## a
    * Restart the PC Server
    * Restart ue_01 in xxx01 library
    * Open the Cataloging module and save the bibliographic record on the server.
    * For the change in tab22 to take effect on all records, the Update Short Bibliographic Records (manage-07) must be run

    Category: Cataloging (500)

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013