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    Z30-sub-library errors from p_file_96

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 19.01

    I'm loading some records with p_file_96 with a new configuration.

    I keep getting an error sub-library does not exist.

    Here's an excerpt from the tab_96_def file:


    I put the loader in debug mode, and find that it is putting just "D" into the z30_sub_library field, before it errors and does not actually create the item.

    I have the same mappings for Z68-sub-library, and these are loading just fine as real sub-library codes.

    I've checked the table for tab characters, and that the columns are all lined up properly.

    I don't get it. Is it being picky about capital vs. lower case letters or something? Or are one letter codes bad for some reason?

    The problem is the use of lower case values in the 049 field. The Item creation process forces all characters in the 049 to uppercase before doing a table look up, so a lower case v is actually searched as an upper case V. However, the Order creation process does NOT do the case translation, so if you put an uppercase V in the table, the look up will fail. You should be able to overcom this by putting both upper and lower case forms of the value in the default table, although the better approach is to avoid lowercase values entirely. If the vendor can't accommodate this, an ALEPH fix script (fix_doc_do_file_08) can be written to change lowercase values in the 049 to upper case.

    Additional Information

    Generic Vendor Records Loader file-96

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013