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    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 16.02

    We need to know how to set up "Patron loader protected fields," so that when we update an existing z305 we update ONLY the Z305_EXPIRY_DATE using the PLIF loader , p_file_20.

    For the EXPIRY-DATE: the program takes the date from the incoming PLIF record.
    If that's blank, it leaves the existing Z305-EXPIRY-DATE as is.
    Unless that too is blank, in which case it uses the TAB31-EXPIRY-DATE."

    Also, the PLIF (p_file_20) allows you to specify an "Ignore character" which you place in each input record field for which you don't want to modify the existing record.

    And, there is a Z303-PLIF-MODIFICATION value which is new in version 15.2.
    It can have values of
    A = Do not modify the borrower’s address records (Z304).
    B = Do not modify the borrower’s status.
    D = Do not modify the borrower’s expiry date.
    E = Do not modify the borrower’s email address (Z304-EMAILADDRESS) in the address record (Z304).
    1 = Do not modify all borrower’s records (Z303, Z304, Z305 and Z308).
    Currently, the p_file_20 does *not* include the PLIF-MODIFICATION as a field which can be specified in the interface format. It would need to be updated individually in the GUI -- or with SQL.

    (Keywords: p-file-20 file_20)

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013