Z39.50 : Display Item status(availableThru) for the format OPAC
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20
Problem Symptoms:
For one particular item status, the z39.50 OPAC-format display lacks the "availableThru" lline. Example:
This displays:
availablityDate 'On Shelf'
itemId '0820142632'
when this should display:
availablityDate 'On Shelf'
availableThru 'Pilon'
itemId '0820142632'
<where "Pilon" is an item status>.
In the ./xxx50/tab/tab15.lng, add the line with the code and value missing:
15I 16 ## L Pilon N N N N N Y Y N N 00
and restart the pc_server and www_server.
Category: Z39.50
- Article last edited: 6/3/2015