Z67 not created when using a proxy
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20
Problem Symptoms:
* When creating a new staff account (z66) ("PASSWORD INFORMATION") linked to a proxy, the system no longer creates z67 ("USER PERMISSION") records for it.
* When one clicks on "Access Rights" in Staff Privileges for user XXXXX who has "FUNCTION PROXY - YYYYYY", one gets the message "The user XXXXX is managed by YYYYY". It is not possible to specify different Access Rights (different z67 values) for this user."
Change in z67 proxy function in version 20-up.
* Prior to version 20 there were circumstances where a user could have z67 records even though they were FUNCTION-PROXY'ed to another user.
* In version 20-up, a user who is FUNCTION-PROXY'ed to another user has no z67 records under their own rec-key (only the Proxy's rec-key).
Additional Information
* If the new accounts are created individually (not linked to any proxy), the z67 records are created as expected.
Category: Staff privileges (500)
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013