Z67-SEQUENCE reaching limit of 9999
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 19.01
Multiple sites have found that certain Z67-USER's have hit the limit of 9999 in their Z67-SEQUENCE. Both noticed substantial gaps in the numbering. In U. Minn's case, these gaps amounted to about 50% of the numbers for the problem user (TMACPR03). Two gaps were about 1000 each. In both cases they have had to renumber the Z67-SEQUENCE's in order to reduce the high sequence from 9999.
I posted a question to the ELUNA SysAdmin list about this.
Christine Moulen at MIT wrote:
In considering increasing the max for a future version, don't forget that version 19 has a lot more privileges.
In version 18, the max in my database is 306. In version 19, it jumped to 1333.
That's just by running the upgrade kit, I haven't done much assignment of new privileges yet. We also have very few sublib-specific permissions assigned.
I don't see large gaps in the 1333, but there are a lot of small gaps in there.
CCLA has also found gaps in sequences. Jeannie Dixon wrote:
CCLA has had this problem as well. We haven't yet hit the 9999 on any non-administrative patron IDs but we have had problems with any ID that had a lot of permissions or gaps in sequences. They could not be retrieved in the client. Our DBA had to renumber all of the permissions for those with gaps.
The Staff Privileges User Guide includes a full list of the existing privileges. The expand in size is due to the regrouping, which results in expanding ‘All subfunctions’ in many cases where the old group’s privileges got scattered across many new groups.
Since in some cases a staff user had many permissions and there were gaps in the sequence numbers, we have added a program which removes the gaps.
This program can be run using the following commands:
cd upgrade_express_1801_1901/source/1001
perl remove_holes.pl
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013