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    Z970 synonyms vs. expand_doc_bib_accref

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    Where do we define what we want the synonym groups to be?
    How do we change a synonym group?
    I understand that the synonym groups can be created with and without AUTs. In both cases, the Z970 files are created. In order to create synonym groups with AUTs, we need to set up tab20 (please confirm) and define "expand_doc_bib_accref" in the WORD section of tab_expand.
    Do we have to define define "expand_doc_bib_accref" for synonym groups without AUTs?

    There would not be any Z970's if you are creating authority records and using "expand_doc_bib_accref".
    It would be better to use the Z970 for the specific cases where you feel that it would be useful.
    Note: when you have a colour/color synonym in place, the user can will always retrieve all colour/color records.
    There is no way to limit the search to just "color" or just "colour" -- which they might conceivably want to do.

    Additional Information

    synonym group, Z970

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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