cron job to read last-doc-number's
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 18.01
I was asked to write a linux script that will send alerts to certain people when the cjh01 and cjh50 doc_numbers are out of synch (they don't want to use cjhxx.z103 because slows down reports). This will run as a cron job in the end.
1. How I can switch from root user to aleph user without password inside a linux script to be able to do "s+ cjhxx"
2. I would like to know which one holds the most accurate last-doc-number in cjhxx.z00 or cjhxx.z52(the last one being updated periodically)?
Is it when you max(z00_rec_key) from cjhxx.z00
b. Select z52_sequence from cjhxx.z52 where z52_rec_key = 'last-doc-number';?
1. "s+" is an Aleph thing. This does the same: > sqlplus usm50/usm50
2. Whenever max(z00_rec_key) changes the z52 last-doc-number is updated. They should always be the same.
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013