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    expand_doc_isbn_13 procedure - what changes are expected

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    What changes do we expect to see after running p-manage-05 job for an expand procedure (expand_doc_isbn_13)? Could you provide a couple of examples?

    In order to do this, you will need to include the following line in your abc01 tab_expand:
    INDEX expand_doc_isbn_13

    Note: If the field you are indexing in tab11_ind is "a020" (generated by expand_doc_extract) rather than "020", then the tab_expand entry for
    INDEX expand_doc_isbn_13
    must *precede* the entry for
    INDEX expand_doc_extract

    After running p_manage_05, each 10-digit-ISBN will have a second (13-digit) index entry. For instance:
    ISBN 091661736X will have the following entry added: 9780916617363 .

    And each 13-digit-ISBN will have its equivalent 10-digit entry added. For instance:
    ISBN 9780916617363 will have the following entry added: 091661736X.

    See KB's 4042 and 6813 for details.

    In order to get the 13-digit form of the ISBN to appear in the OPAC Full, you need to add the following lines to the abc01 tab_expand:
    WEB-FULL expand_doc_isbn_13
    WEB-FULL-1 expand_doc_isbn_13

    (and then restart the www_server).

    Note 1: If the field you are displaying in the Web Full is "a020" (generated by expand_doc_extract) rather than "020", then the tab_expand entry for
    WEB-FULL expand_doc_isbn_13
    must *precede* the entry for
    WEB-FULL expand_doc_extract

    Note 2: The 13-digit ISBN could actually be added to the bib record if you included the expand_doc_isbn_13 in your tab_fix and then ran p_manage_37 to execute that fix on the records containing ISBN's -- but I don't think you necessarily want to do that....

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013