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    fix" and "merge" routines which do similar things

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    It seems there are "fix" and "merge" routines which do similar things. This is a bit confusing.

    The tab_fix lines with "fix_doc_merge" as the program use the tab_merge table in the same way that the "MERGE" parameters (used in certain batch jobs) use it.

    For instance, p_manage_18 has a "p_merge_type" parameter. Your ndu10_p_manage_18.00304 job has this line:

    setenv p_merge_type "OCLC"

    This means that the following line from ndu10 tab_merge will be used:

    OCLC merge_doc_overlay 01

    The same thing could be accomplished by specifying "OCLC" as the "p_fix_type" and then having the following line in tab_fix:

    OCLC fix_doc_merge OCLC

    The "p_merge_type" parameter was no doubt added to make this a 1-step process rather than a two.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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