item loaned for incorrect period
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20
The document X34082076 was lent to the patron ID669903. The loan period was calculated at 7 days, but it should be a 3 day loan. The time of the return is 24h, but this should be 23h59.
The document belongs to the AV library and has an item status 01, the patron has patron status 02. Here is the line from tab16:
AV 01 ## 02 + 00000003 00 A 2359 0000 00100 003 003 2 01 30.0000000 999 01
There is nothing in tab17 that would cause an extension of the loan period. Testing with another similar item to this patron results in a normal anticipated 3 day loan.
Do you have any idea where we can look to see what is causing this item to behave oddly?
I find that all of these cases of 7-day loans have z36_source "B". "B" in the z36_source field is for "Booking".
Below are the z36 (loan) records with z36_source "B". I have marked the z36 records with loan periods >= 7 days.
You need to examine the booking parameters for these loans and adjust them to prevent such cases.
abc50@ALEPH20> select z36_item_status, z36_bor_status, z36_rec_key, z36_id, z36_loan_date, z36_due_date from z36 where z36_source = 'B';
**** Hit return to continue ****
-- -- --------------- ------------ ------------- ------------
04 05 000071751000030 ID655398 20110207 20110208
01 05 000160205000010 ID503587 20110204 20110207
01 04 000088509000010 ID481765 20110131 20110204
01 08 001139558000060 ID469798 20110131 20110207 ----
02 05 001088154000010 ID576015 20110203 20110210 ----
01 05 000108098000010 ID576015 20110203 20110210 ----
01 05 001084074000010 ID470258 20110203 20110208
02 12 000008853000030 ID510249 20110204 20110204
01 05 001098693000010 ID474047 20110202 20110209 ----
01 05 000132851000010 ID470258 20110203 20110208
04 05 000071751000040 ID655398 20110207 20110208
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013