Item Marking (item-08) and Process Statuses
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 19.01
If item statuses in the Missing/Lost Item Process Statuses section are selected, and the system find items in the input barcode file that have the selected statuses, the items are updated (i.e. the process statuses are removed from the item record). It is not clear in the help that the database is updated with this service. Is it possible to run the service in non-update mode?
The Lost Item item process statuses behaviour is explained by the setting in LOST-PROC-STATUS switch in tab100 of the ADM library. Process statuses listed in this switch in tab100 are removed when an action is performed with these items (for example, loan, return, etc.). The p-item-08 is considered one of such actions.
In order to process the missing/lost statuses as missing, please remove them from tab100/LOST-PROC-STATUS (even temporary when running p-item-08). See explanation of LOST-PROC-STATUS in the header of tab100.
Additional Information
item-08, lost, process status, LOST-PROC-STATUS
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013