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    p_acq_31: report output says database updated, but don't see order under budget

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    I ran p-acq-31 with an input file of a bunch of orders trying to move them to RYNMUSCS-2009. Most were rejected because they were duplicates, which is fine, but the output report had order number S-143564 as moved to the new budget and the database was updated. I went into RYNMUSCS-2009 and could not find the order. I read the help document on p-acq-31 and for serials and standing orders there is a date limitation. Since this encumbrance is before 2009, or it is not being transferred from a 2009 budget, is that why it didn't update? If so, why didn't it appear on the reject report? P-acq-31 did create a Batch log entry under the order.

    I see this for $data_print/RYNMUSCS-2009Output.rpt:


    This SQL shows that the z68_rec_key is 00149003000102:

    abc50> select z68_rec_key from z68 where z68_order_number = 'S-143564';
    **** Hit return to continue ****


    This SQL shows that there are no encumbrances for 00149003000102:

    abc50> select z601_rec_key, z601_type from z601 where z601_rec_key_3 = '00149003000102';
    **** Hit return to continue ****

    Z601_REC_KEY Z60
    ----------------------------------------------------------------- ---
    MUSCS-2005 401002226751173 INV
    MUSCS-2005 401008407824172 INV
    MUSCS-2005 400816493102545 INV
    MUSCS-2006 401202516755579 INV
    MUSCS-2007 401224365959567 INV

    util f/4 shows that order 00149003000102 is closed:

    02 z68_rec_key \
    03 doc_number ...................001490030
    03 sequence .....................00102
    02 z68_order_type .................O
    02 z68_order_number ...............S-143564
    02 z68_order_number_1 .............
    02 z68_order_number_2 .............
    02 z68_order_group ................
    02 z68_open_date ..................20040503
    02 z68_order_status ...............CLS
    02 z68_order_status_date_x \
    03 order_status_date ............20080710

    The p_acq_31 Help says: "This service only transfers the encumbrance transactions (ENC), that is, the invoice
    transactions (INV) are not transferred to the new budget."

    Since there are no Z601 type ENC's, there is nothing to be transferred.

    I'm not sure just why this order is in the report file instead of the reject file, but, anyway, the program seems to have done with it what it should (that is, nothing).

    [From site:] "Now I know what happened. I tried to transfer from a 2008 fund to a 2009 fund. At the time there was an encumbrance on that fund if you look in the order log file. Staff deleted the encumbrance now so that we can transfer the encumbrance to the appropriate fund."

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013