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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    p_cir_32 deletes log records for non-returned loans and unpaid cash

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    We have a user that does not want the patron circ log to show all the history of what the patron has checked out and returned. However, when we use the Z309 option in the cir-32 process, it appears to take ALL activity including info on CURRENT loans. The online help for p_cir_32 states that only closed transactions are affected: "The ID will be removed only from events that belong to a closed transaction (loan that has been returned and cash that has been paid)."

    The z309 type 1 (loan log record) for items still on loan are scrubbed by p_cir_32; it does *not* limit its scrubbing to loan log records for items which have been returned.

    The p_cir_78 routine (Circulation Logger Clean Up) (in the Circ Services menu under "General") *also* handles the z309's. It *deletes* z309's which are older than yyyymmdd. As far as the patron history there is really no point in keeping scrubbed z309 records, though they may be useful for item history. Unlike p_cir_32) p_cir_78 has logic to check if the loan and cash transactions for the z309 are actually closed.

    • Article last edited: 12/3/2014
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