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    p_cir_78 removes Open and closed transactions

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20, 21, 22, 23

    p_cir_78 (cir-78) appears to be removing ALL log events older than the input date of January 1, 2010, not just the closed ones.

    For example, borrower 0000001945 has some books (for example, 001123283-000020) that were checked out as long ago as 2000 and has been consistently renewing them for many years without returning them, but there is no Circulation Log activity in her account prior to 01/01/2010.

    Though there are no z309's for patron 0000001945 / item 001123283-000020 from before 2010, there *are* z309's for patron "SCR20110913" for this loan:

    abc50@ALEPH20> select z309_action, Z309_REC_KEY, Z309_REC_KEY_3, Z309_DATE_X from z309 where z309_rec_key_2 = '001888939' and z309_date_x < '20100101' order by z309_date_x ASC;
    **** Hit return to continue ****

    Z309_ACTION Z309_REC_KEY Z309_REC_KEY_3 Z309_DATE_X
    ----------- --------------------------- --------------- ------------
    1 SCR20110913 200806031850923 001123283000020 200806031255
    12 SCR20110913 200809112120398 001123283000020 200809111446
    12 SCR20110913 200809112120536 001123283000020 200809111447
    15 SCR20110913 200812122403039 001123283000020 200812121334
    12 SCR20110923 200901142501810 001123283000020 200901141244
    15 SCR20110923 200905212903962 001123283000020 200905210946
    16 SCR20110923 200905222925787 001123283000020 200905221231
    51 SCR20110923 200905252932600 001123283000020 200905251824
    12 SCR20110923 200905252932598 001123283000020 200905251824
    11 SCR20110923 200905262933995 001123283000020 200905261000
    12 SCR20110923 200906303073578 001123283000020 200906301953
    12 SCR20110923 200910033286388 001123283000020 200910031252
    15 SCR20110923 200912103512673 001123283000020 200912101020

    (The z309_rec_key_2 is the unique loan number which is given to every loan.)

    Thus, the problem is that, though the z309's still exist, the p_cir_32 scrubbing job has changed the patron record number to "SCR...".

    The solution is to not run p_cir_32 on the z309; just run cir-78. See also KB 16384-18434.

    • Article last edited: 1/28/2016
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