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    p_cir_83 doesn't create ALEPH z305 record in $usr_library (VCC00)

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    We are multi-ADM and need the ALEPH z305 in the $usr_library. I was instructed to

    dlib to abc00 (our $usr_library);
    create a z305 table in abc00;
    run p_cir_83 in each ADM.

    I ran p_cir_83 for ADM brc50, but when I do a select count (*) from z305 in S+ abc00, I still see a zero record count and the report in the print area is empty except for a header.

    The p_cir_83 Help says this:

    "This service is run in the ADM library. It enables automatic creation of the AL
    EPH Z305 records, which are created in the usr_library environment. The service
    creates the ALEPH Z305 records in the same manner as they are created online,
    i.e. by using tab31, tab_map_privileges and the first Z305 record it finds for
    the patron in the active ADM library. Therefore, proper setup of the above ment
    ioned tables is a pre-requisite for successful execution of the service."

    I find that the brc50/tab/tab31 has blank in column 22. This means that it is defaulting to "N".

    In order for p_cir_83 to work the tab31 column 22 needs to be "Y".

    Note: tab_map_privileges is in the usm50 $data_tab.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013