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    p_item_01: How to generate a shelf report number

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20, 21, 22, 23

    We would like to test the new inventory processes that are in Version 17 (item-01, item-08, item-09, and item-10). In running item-01, inventory definition, we noticed that our system is not assigning a shelf report number to the items. Please provide instructions on how to set up the system to generate this number.

    The Z30-SHELF-REPORT-NUMBER (new in version 17) is assigned by p_item_01, using the xxx50 z52 (util g/2) last-shelf-rpt-num counter. If there is no last-shelf-rpt-num parameter, then no Z30-SHELF-REPORT-NUMBER is assigned.

    Once a Z30-SHELF-REPORT-NUMBER has been assigned to items, then that number can be used in running the p_item_09 (Inventory Summary) and p_item10 (Inventory Report).

    There is also a Z30-LAST-SHELF-REPORT-DATE. This is written by p_item_01, p_item_04, and p_item_05, but is just informational and is not used by the system in any special way.

    See also, KB 16384-15076.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013