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    p_item_01: z30_shelf_report_number/z30_inventory_number; "e: Event not found"

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20, 21, 22, 23

    I have read through section 7 (Inventory Management) of the Items documentation and have many questions about how this process works. To begin with, I am trying to run item-01 as the first step in marking a subset of items for inventory. I am working in our test environment. Specifically these items are in Hodges Library (sublibrary H), in the Juvenile collection (JUV). The call number range is FA129fi through FZ9458s.

    I ran item-01 twice but could not tell from the output report or the job's logfile whether anything was updated. I did some checking in SQL (looking at z30_inventory_number and z30_inventory_number_date), but it seems that nothing was updated for today's date.

    Next I tried running item-01 again, using the z30_call_no_key fields for the call number start/end ranges. Now it seems that the item-01 job no longer runs at all. There is no evidence of my past two attempts appearing in the Batch Log of the Admin tab, even though the logfiles appear in /alephe/scratch. It appears there is a problem as the logfile ends with "e: Event not found", but I'm not certain what that means.


    Our staff wish to do a "real-time" physical inventory of the Juvenile fiction collection, which contains about 9,000+ items. They want to scan each book barcode-by-barcode, placing those that are misshelved on a book truck to reshelve later. They also want the capacity of the system to recognize when an item is checked out, in processing, etc. Of course, this process/workflow would need to be able to run over the course of several days/weeks given that 9000 items could not possibly be done at one sitting.

    I think what we want in our case is p_item_01 (and the additional services item-07, item-08, item-09, item-10). But I cannot seem to get item-01 working properly.

    [To customer:]

    The logged error message "e: Event not found" is most likely occurring because p-item-01 is failing to update the Z30-INVENTORY-NUMBER in your selected subset. This is because the required inventory-number parameter in util g/2 (Z52) is not currently populated with a counter value.

    While comparing util/g/2 values in abc50 with the util/g/2 values in the demo ADM (usm50) I noticed that abc50’s util/g/2 settings currently do not include an inventory-number counter value.

    Knowledge base item #16384-15076 details how the Z30-INVENTORY-NUMBER is populated in util/g/2 (Z52) via settings in tab100. Reviewing your current abc50/tab/tab100 settings, I have confirmed that the necessary Z52 parameters are currently not configured. In order to resolve the reported p-item-01 issues, values will need to be assigned to the Z52 parameters “inventory number (1)” and “inventory number (2)” in tab100.

    Please refer to Knowledge base item #16384-32577: “Populating z30_inventory_number with counter value from util g/2 (Z52)” for detailed instructions on how to assign/configure these values. Because “inventory number (2)” is not essential to the performance of p-item-01 a value of “0” may be assigned, if desired.

    Once your tab100 settings are in place please re-reun p-item-01 to see if the reported "e: Event not found" error message or other anomolies persist.

    [From Customer:]

    I have read section 7 of the Items Staff User Guide (Inventory Management) and have several questions about the process :

    To start with, does item-01 update both the Z30_SHELF_REPORT_NUMBER and the Z30_INVENTORY_NUMBER (along with Z30_INVENTORY_NUMBER_DATE)?

    Last Friday afternoon I added a new counter in util/g/2 for last-shelf-rpt-num and re-ran item-01. This time the service did not end with an error but seemed to run completely. I confirmed that new numbers were being written in Z30_SHELF_REPORT_NUMBER for the defined subset. However, no new inventory numbers were created.

    At your suggestion, today I edited tab100 in abc50 by adding the following line:

    Then I added a new counter in util/g/2:
    z30-inventory-number 1000 Y S i

    I ran item-01 again for my defined subset and did not see any new inventory numbers created. Also, I used the Inventory Marking tool over the appropriate Shelf Report number to scan a few barcodes. However, this didn't create new inventory numbers or dates on the items either.

    How are inventory numbers and inventory number dates generated?

    [To customer:]

    Please see this PowerPoint presentation entitled "How To Use Inventory Management" which discusses the p-item-nn services and their workflows:    :  /@api/deki/files/47630/How_to_use_Inventory_Management_(1).ppt  in the Cataloging section:  How to use Inventory Management .) 

     (Found at that this doc can be found at .)

    The Z30-SHELF-REPORT-NUMBER is assigned by p_item_01, using the xxx50 z52 (util g/2) last-shelf-rpt-num counter. If there is no last-shelf-rpt-num parameter, then no Z30-SHELF-REPORT-NUMBER is assigned.

    Regarding the Z30_INVENTORY_NUMBER: While your reported settings in util/g/2 (z52) appear to be correct and should populate the Z30_INVENTORY_NUMBER with the unique number via p-item-01:

    Sequence Name Value Suppress Type Prefix
    ------------------------------- --------- ---------------- -------- --------------------
    z30-inventory-number 1000 Y S i

    It is also noted in Knowledge Base item 16384-15076 that: "(The) Z30-INVENTORY-NUMBER is always assigned by using the Oracle table Z311 and the ALEPH table ./xxx50/tab/tab_z311."

    Page 9 of the System Librarian's Guide for Items verifies this: "tab_z311 is used to define the z311 programs used by the system for the creation of the Z311 counters for the z30-call-no, z30-call-no-2 and z30-inventory-number fields."

    The following is a sample of the table:

    ! 1 2 3
    z30-call-no 0 create_z30_location_i
    z30-call-no-2 0 create_z30_location_i
    z30-inventory-number 1 create_z30_inv_number <--------------------------

    In order to create a Z30-INVENTORY-NUMBER as requested, it is my understanding that you will need to update /exlibris/aleph/u20_1/abc50/tab/tab_z311. Currently the line "create_z30_inv_number" is commented out. If possible, please uncomment this line and re-test p-item-01, I believe this should resolve the problem.

    ! 1 2 3
    z30-call-no 0 create_z30_location_i
    z30-call-no-2 0 create_z30_location_i
    !z30-inventory-number 1 create_z30_inv_number <---------------------------

    See paragraph on Z30_INVENTORY_NUMBER_DATE in section 4 of KB 16384-15076.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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