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    p_item_05: zero results; no items listed

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 19.01

    I am trying to get a p_item_05 report for the call numbers in the TL range. All I get is the headers in the resulting file. I do not get any items listed. It does not matter what call number range or collection code I use. I get the same result. (Or there may be some, but they are in the wrong order.)

    The p_item_05 reads the z30_call_no_key fields in the item records. The first step in diagnosing this problem is to see what the z30_call_no_key fields look like. Do this SQL:

    SQL-xxx50>> select count(*) from z30 where Z30_CALL_NO_KEY is null;

    [Note: If you don't do SQL, you could look at the xxx50 z30 records using UTIL-F-4] The result should be zero. If it's not, that indicates the need to run p_item_06 to populate the z30_call_no_key fields.

    If they are populated, then check the $alephe_scratch job log to make sure it doesn't have the message "can not be created for more than 5000 items". If it does, then consult KB 16384-23778.

    If it doesn't, then do this SQL to look at the call numbers: SQL-xxx50: select Z30_CALL_NO_KEY from z30;

    In this case we see LC call numbers like this: 0h!83 f56 0r"730 y68 The "0" in front of the number is there because add_call_no_type has been specified in the ./xxx50/tab/tab_filing_call_no .

    You can remove the add_call_no_type --or leave it in. In any case, p_item_06 will need to be rerun if tab_filing_call_no is changed.

    *In general:*

    If you make a change to the tab_filing_call_no table, you need to re-run p_item_06. Failure to do so can result in p_item_05 not finding any call numbers. This is because p_item_05 also reads this table and if it is different (in any significant way) from what it was when p_item_06 was run, then the z30_call_no_key's won't match.

    Additional Information

    p_item_05 faq

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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