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    p_item_09: it seems to have updated an item even though Update NO was set

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    After running item-08, batch inventory marking, we then ran item-09 with the same SRN to get an inventory summary. In Item-09, we choose NO to update database. Yet, the database gets updated.

    My example is from 7/17/08 which shows the item history for item 000213459-000010 getting updated by BATCH on 7/17/08. Is there a switch to set so that the update will only occur when manually chosen as YES?

    When the z30 update is due to a change in the z30_item_process_status, an h_reason of "Process Status" is put into the z30h record. Looking at the z30 for item 000213459-000010, we see such a change for the z30h h_date of 20080721:

    03 h_reason ...................Process Status

    But the z30h for 20080717 has an h_reason of "Other", not "Process Status".

    02 z30h_history \
    03 h_date .....................20080717
    03 h_hour .....................0806
    03 h_reason ...................Other

    I see:

    03 last_shelf_report_date .....20080717 <---------

    As described in KB 16384-7105, p_item_01 updates the last_shelf_report_date.

    I believe that the update to the 000213459000010 which occurred on July 17 was not a change of the item processing status by p_item_09 but rather a change to the last_shelf_report_date by the p_item_01 which completed at 08:07:

    Jul 17 08:07 abc50_p_item_01.00593

    (This is consistent with the z30h_h_hour of 08:06 -- while the p_item_09 run did not start until 09:18.)

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013