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    p_manage_01 with last-word-number = 0. What does this mean?

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 16.01

    It seems that p_manage_01 ran OK for the BIB library, but I now see that the UTIL-G-2 word number was missing the last-word-number line.
    How can I tell if this is a problem and what should it be set to?

    You can start by doing some word searches. If there's a problem, do UTIL-A-17-14 to check the Oracle indexes for z95, z97, and z98.
    If these indexes are missing or invalid, then do UTIL-A-17-4 to delete them followed by UTIL-A-17-2 to rebuild them.
    (If you get a uniqueness error, then you are probably going to need set last-word-number to zero and rerun p_manage_01)
    If things seem OK after this process, then you can find the correct value for the last-word-number using the last word number to reset it.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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