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    p_manage_12 links Multiple ADM Records to a Single BIB

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 17.01

    We have a number of instances where p_manage_12 is linking multiple ADM records to a single BIB. The Z103 table for the ADM has the extra entries. The SYS01 Z103 table does not.

    When you look at the records with the multiple Z103 entries in the XXX50 library in the GUI cataloging client, everything is fine.

    When you look at these records through the Web OPAC or using UTIL-F-4, you get all of the holdings and items from the extra ADM records that are linked to the BIB.

    If you look at the BIBs that the ADM records are really linked to, they look fine. The problem only exists for the SYS01 BIBs that have all of these extra entries in the ADM library Z103 table.

    As I noted, separate runs of p_manage_12 have produced almost exactly the same result.

    The "extra" links you are seeing are the result of erroneous LKR fields in the BIB records. Example:

    ENTER DOC-NUMBER : 888426
    SYS60 001177069
    SCS50 000254340
    SCS50 000888420
    SCS50 000888421

    SCS50 000254340 exists, but SCS50 000888420 and 000888421 do not:

    Reading doc : 000254340
    Load: /tmp/utf_files/exlibris/aleph17/u17_7/sys50/tab/tab_expand
    FMT L AD
    LDR L ^^^^^^a^^^22^^^^^^^^4500
    008 L 030803^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^eng^^
    CAT L $$aCONV$$b20$$c20030803$$lSCS50$$h
    LKR L $$aADM$$lSYS01$$b000888426

    ENTER DOC NUMBER : 000888420
    Error reading doc : 000888420
    Error reading doc : 000888421

    So why is p_manage_12 building these Z103 records for 888420 and 888421?

    The answer is that there are LKR fields in the BIB record sys01 888426 for these records:

    LKR L $$aITM$$lSCS50$$b000888420
    LKR L $$aITM$$lSCS50$$b000888421
    LKR L $$aITM$$lSCS50$$b000888421
    LKR L $$aITM$$lSCS50$$b000888421
    LKR L $$aITM$$lSCS50$$b000888421

    These LKR fields are entered in by staff. These erroneous links could have been mistakes from the beginning, or they could be the result of scs50 ADM records 888420 and 888421 having been deleted. As described in KB 8192-3449 (based on US PRB 4734), the deletion of an ADM record does not cause the deletion of the BIB record LKR fields linking to that ADM record via ITM-type links.

    What you should do, for now, is to give this list of sys01 numbers to staff and have them delete the incorrect LKR fields.

    KEYWORDS: manage_12 p-manage-12

    Additional Information


    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013