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    p_manage_32: "File size too large"; "Exiting due to job suspension".

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 16.02

    p_manage_32 gets the message "File size too large", followed by "Exiting due to job suspension".
    What does this error mean?

    p_manage_32 creates z0102 records for all bases whose tab_base.eng column 8 has a "Y"; each base is a separate p_manage_32 cycle; all the records for the base are processed by one process.

    The "File size too large" message occurs when the number of Z02 records which are in the base exceeds about 11 million, so that the size of the manage_32_n_4 file which p_manage_32 wants to write exceeds 2 Gig.

    We found that any base which shows in UTIL-H-1-10 as having more than 840,000 in the "# Docs" column, resulted in the "File size too large" error. (This could vary from site to site, depending on how many fields are being sent to indexes in the tab11_acc.)

    Note: UTIL-H-1-10 shows any base whose "# Docs" is less than 1/6th of the util g/2 last-doc-number as recommended.

    Thus, despite the fact that UTIL-H-1-10 shows a base with Recommended "Y", if specifying "Y" in the tab_base.eng column 8 is going to result in File size too large, then you need to specify "N".
    It is only sites with more than 5 million bib records (840,000 * 6) whose UTIL-H-1-10 will have this problem.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013