p_manage_32: Badly formed number
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 18.01
We are indexing the headings in ABC011. We have successfully run all of the pre-requisites, but p_manage_32 (Logical Base Counters) will not run. Here are the parameters with which we attempted to run the job:
csh -f /exlibris/aleph/a18_1/aleph/proc/p_manage_32 ABC01,1,ALL,08, ,,ABC50. The job appears to start correctly, but we get the following output at the tail of the p_manage_32 log in $alephe_scratch:
No match.
No match.
@: Badly formed number.
When the job fails: the cycles file does not update, the job appears to abort and the ABC01 library remains locked.
[From site: ] We restarted the Aleph application and were able to get p_manage_32 to run correctly. It seems that a previous unsuccessful run of the job was causing the problem, even though we had cleared the batch queue, made sure that no p_manage_32 process was running and unlocked the library before re-submitting the job.
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013