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    p_print_08: "Execution error : file '.../b_print_08_b.gnt' "

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    We're receiving an error when running p-print-08:

    Execution error : file '/exlibris/aleph/a18_1/aleph/exe/b_print_08_b.gnt'
    error code: 114, pc=0, call=1, seg=0
    114 Attempt to access item beyond bounds of memory (Signal 11)

    Load: /exlibris/aleph/u18_1/abc10/tab/form_print_method
    Info: Empty table /LUN0/utf_files/exlibris/aleph/u18_1/abc10/tab/form_description.eng
    Load: /exlibris/aleph/u18_1/alephe/tab/tab100
    Load: /exlibris/aleph/u18_1/abc10/tab/tab100
    Load: /LUN0/utf_files/exlibris/aleph/u18_1/abc10/tab/rep_tab_short.eng
    Info: Empty table /LUN0/utf_files/exlibris/aleph/u18_1/abc10/tab/rep_tab_short.eng

    I/O error : file 'FORM_IN'
    error code: 3/5 (ANS85), pc=0, call=1, seg=0
    13 File not found

    mv: cannot stat `/exlibris/aleph/u18_1/abc10/scratch/print_08_2': No such file or directory

    rep_tab_short.eng must exist in the library for which you are running p_print_08. The ./abc10/tab/ has no rep_tab_short.eng.

    You need to copy the rep_tab_short.eng from abc01 and and change the column headings and tags as you feel appropriate, to include the authority record fields.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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