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    p_print_08: PST field duplicated

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    We were trying to run a report on our test server in print-08 using PST as one of the fields. However, in the report that is generated, the PST field prints out twice.

    We've looked at KB item 8192-6075, and we do have an "S" version of PST in edit_field. The definition of PST S was revised in edit_field to display the status, but the double PST occurred even before this change.

    The duplicate display looks something like this and can be seen in report octdv1b on the test server. The report format we're using is 003. (currently labeled "author/title/imprint/pages")

    Cabell Media and Reserves DVDs PN1995.9.E96 S64 2003 DVD On order
    Cabell Media and Reserves DVDs PN1995.9.E96 S64 2003 DVD On order ##

    Here are the relevant lines from rep_tab_short.eng.

    003 L Title 245## 040 02 C01 ---
    003 L Summary 520## 505## 040 02 C01 ---
    003 L Location PST## 852## 020 02 C01 ---

    The "##" on the second ("Cabell Media ...") line above is coming from this line in edit_field.eng:

    1 # PST## S B ##

    The "##" forces each occurrence of the field onto another line, when there are multiple occurrences of the field.

    You can eliminate the "##" like this:

    1 # PST## S B

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013