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    p_publish_04: reprocessing records which fail XML validation

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    When running initial p_publish_04 there may be records which fail the XML validation; we receive a file with the record’s bib number.

    Say we are testing a solution to the original error – is there a way to run publish-04 on that list of records, or do we need to run it against these specific BIB numbers?

    Following the initial p_publish_04, the ongoing creation of z00p records is performed by ue_21.

    What you can do is this:

    1) Use the file of record numbers you want to be reprocessed as input to p_manage_40 (in the bib library). It will generate z07’s.
    2) Ue_01 (in the bib library) will process these z07’s and create z07p records.
    3) Ue_21 (in the bib library) will process the z07p records and create z00p records.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013