record timestamp not updated in Z00P
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 18.01
I just received a report of a record that has not yet made it from Aleph to Primo, despite having been updated on Monday afternoon.
The bib system ID is 003151678.
From the CAT fields in the record, it has clearly been updated recently.
util/e/21 has been running since the server was last rebooted for an SP application on March 22. There are no entries for this record in any of util/e/21's error logs.
However, the z00p record has not been updated since February 23rd:
abc50@ALEPH1> select z00p_doc_number, z00p_set, z00p_timestamp from z00p where z00p_doc_number='003151678';
**** Hit return to continue ****
--------- -------------------- ---------------
003151678 PRIMO-FULL 200902232047269
003151678 PRIMO-AVAIL 200902232047272
2 rows selected.
Can you think of any reason why this might be happening?
As described in KB 16384-14146 (which I just updated), one route for creation of z07p records is processing of z07a records by ue_01_z0102:
1b. an xxx01 z07a record, written by ue_01, needs to processed by ue_01_z0102, which writes an xxx01 z07p;
This SQL shows that there are 117,278 z07a records waiting to be processed:
abc01@ALEPH1> select count(*) from z07a;
**** Hit return to continue ****
ue_01_z0102 is not actually processing these z07a records (and the z0102 local-base records are not being updated as they should be).
tail-ing run_e_01_z0102.5640, I see many occurrences of:
Oracle error: io_z07a_count
ORA-00903: invalid table name
grep -c shows 66,928 occurrences:
>>grep -c io_z07a_count run_e_01_z0102.5640
KB 16384-14817 describes this io_z07a_count error as occurring when tab_library_group is not present. (KB 16384-14817 describes a rep_change (v18 2065) which lets the program work OK even if there is no tab_library_group.)
I see that you *do* have a tab_library_group, but that it lacks ABC01. I didn't believe this was necessary, but, anyway, I suggest that you add ABC01 to tab_library_group and stop/restart ue_01.
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013