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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    setenv: Too many arguments"

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 17.01

    When I run dlib command on a new library I opened, I get the following error:

    setenv: Too many arguments

    setenv" has a structure of: parameter, followed by a single value (argument). If there is more than one value, then the values must be enclosed in double quotation-marks. (An example of a setenv with multiple values enclosed in quotation-marks is the QUE_STARTUP_LIBS in aleph_start.private.)

    Note that the problem may be occurring with a setenv in a file copied into the script rather than the script itself.

    If the problem is occurring with "dlib" for this library only, it must be in a file being read by "dlib" which unique to this library. The main such file prof_library. Check the library's prof_library to see if there are any cases where the setenv has an extra value. (There cannot be any spaces in the value. A space indicates the beginning of another value.)

    Note: In this case, the following line in prof_library was causing the problem:

    setenv file_list_size VERY SMALL

    (As described in KB 8037, it should be "VSMALL".)

    If the "too many arguments" occurs in doing aleph_startup, then check your aleph_start and aleph_start.private files.)

    Additional Information


    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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