tab17 closed hour and fining problems
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 18.01
We are on ver. 18 sp 2222 (applied end June 2010; until then we had been on sp 1872)
All loans (irrespective of expiry date of patron record) are currently taking the closed hour value in tab17 col 6 as the "due hour" and ignoring the value set in tab16 col. 9. We want the due hour to be the value set in tab16 col. 9. We know there are exceptions where the patron expiry date will cause this to be overridden, but in the examples we have seen the patron record is not due to expire.
Checking the due date routine via util/f/2/9 shows that for the purposes of this check routine Aleph **is** using value set in tab16.col.9 - which is what we want it to do.
See example below:
Util/f/2/9 "display/check due date routine" for sublib 00, patron status 01, item status 01
- shows correct due hour of 23.59 - as set in col. 9 of relevant section (16A) of tab16:
Enter sub library (Q to stop) : 00
Enter item status (Q to stop) : 01
Enter bor status (Q to stop) : 01
Due Date: 20101112 2359
Due Date (Req): 20100903 2359
Test issue on Aleph client to
User smith: bor status 01 (patron expiry date = 20991225) of item 1003260998,item status 01, item resident branch 00
- gives an incorrect due hour of 19:00 instead of 23:59.
19:00 is the closed hour value set in tab17 col 6 for group id C00 which = sublibrary 00.
But this is not the value that util/f/2/9 says should be allocated.
For the example combination of sub library/patron status/item status, tab16 col. 14 is set to D. We have seen other examples of the same problem where tab16 col. 14 is set to 2.
Display of z36 record in util F 4 showing incorrect due hour of 19:00 (as set in tab17)
01 z36_loan \
02 z36_rec_key \
03 doc_number ................000387200
03 item_sequence .............000010
02 z36_id ......................SMITH
02 z36_number ..................005689406
02 z36_material ................BOOK
02 z36_sub_library .............00
02 z36_status ..................A
02 z36_loan_date ...............20100820
02 z36_loan_hour ...............1507
02 z36_effective_due_date ......00000000
02 z36_due_date ................20101112
02 z36_due_hour ................1900
02 z36_returned_date ...........00000000
02 z36_returned_hour ...........0000
02 z36_item_status .............01
02 z36_bor_status ..............01
02 z36_letter_number ...........00
02 z36_letter_date .............00000000
02 z36_no_renewal ..............0
[From site:] We have found the problem with the incorrect loan dates.
Somehow the contents of our tab 16 col. 27 had got out of alignment with the column header, so when a loan took place I am assuming that Aleph was reading tab27 as (blank) - which would have meant that the second half of rep change 2192 was in force : "If the original due hour is later than the closing hour, it is adjusted to the closing hour if the value of tab16, column 27 is different than 2".
We have adjusted the spacing in tab16 so that all the values of "2" in tab27 are back in line with the col. header and the problem seems to be solved.
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013