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    Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    tab34 v.19 and v.20 column 5 uses only a single hash for wildcard

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 19.01

    Normally to identify that all values are to be matched (wildcard) a column is hash filled. For example if a column is two positions wide then if any value is to match ## is placed in that column.

    In version 19 and 20, tab 34, which computes the charges for an item which is declared "lost", has an exception to this general rule.

    ! COL 5. 60; TEXT; #;
    ! Call number;
    ! This can be used to either specify an exact call number, or
    ! specify a range. Specifying a range is done by using
    ! a # mark to separate the 'From Call Number' from the
    ! 'To Call Number'. For example "ABC#DEF" means 'from call
    ! number ABC to call number DEF.
    ! For all call numbers, use only one # in the first position
    ! of the column;

    ! NOTE: to indicate a column is to match any value, hash fill the column,
    ! except for column five, where a single hash (#) is placed in the first
    ! position.
    ! COL 5. 60; TEXT; #;
    ! Call number;
    ! This can be used to either specify an exact call number, or
    ! specify a range. Specifying a range is done by using
    ! a # mark to separate the 'From Call Number' from the
    ! 'To Call Number'. For example "ABC#DEF" means 'from call
    ! number ABC to call number DEF.
    ! NOTE: For all call numbers, use only one # in the first position
    ! of the column;

    See KB 16384-3282 in regard to the use of ALEPHADM in updating this column.

    Additional Information

    hash pound octothorpe

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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