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    Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    tab37 / pickup list is empty; single-character sublibrary

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 19.01

    I'm setting up request pickup locations in tab37, and find that any time I put the Hodges sublibrary (code = "H") in the first position of the list of sublibraries for a given line, the line is ignored, either going to the default line (;;# sublibrary), or failing to provide a list of pickup sublibraries at all (if H is first on the ;;# line). Results are what I'm seeing in the GUI client, however in previous testing I noted similar difficulties in the web opac displays as well.

    I can use "H" elsewhere in the list, as long as it isn't the first entry. This line works:

    SWN ## ## 75 # AGVET H MED MUS SWN

    This line does not work (pickup list comes up blank):

    SWN ## ## 75 # H AVGET MED MUS SWN

    The problem is we would like to have Hodges (H) be the first listed pickup location for some materials.

    I have a feeling that this could have to do with the fact that the "H" sublibrary code is just a single character.

    Do you have any other 1-character codes? If so, please see if they behave the same as "H".

    Resolution: Site found that "H" did not work as first code. They had to have "AVGET" first -- which is *not* what they wanted.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013