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    tab42 not always automatically changing the item process status

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    Our tab42 in ABC50 looks okay to us. However, SOME records do not indicate the item process status that should be displayed in the brief record in our web opac when the order status is created with NEW or changed.

    Two examples are sys. no. 1043649 (order record 1043649-1) and 1043648 (order record 1043648-1). Yet other records do change when the order status is changed, and do display the change in our CALL NUMBER column in the brief display on our web opac (such as sys. no. 1041495) as they ought.

    We recently were migrated from v. 16.02 to v. 18.01 and perhaps we've left off something that needs to be there? But I would think that if we broke something in the migration, that all would not be working.

    The ./acq/update_orders_item_status program requires that the item have a z30_order_number which matches the z68_order_number of the order.

    In both the cases, ADM 1043649 (on Prod) and ADM 001008431 (on Test), the z30_order_number in the item record is blank.

    In order to populate the z30_order_number with the z68_order_number, the "Create Item Records" checkbox on the monograph order form needs to be checked. See KB 16384-8849.

    But since there is already an item record (created by the transfer of the record via the oclc_server), this setting is not useful.... The solution was to not check the "Create Item Records" checkbox on the order form, but to, instead, copy the order number into the appropriate field in the (oclc_server-created) item record.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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