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    tab_acc_category Settings and Authority Linking

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    tab_acc_category file, col. 2, indicates that the "categories mechanism" can be turned on or off.

    After re-indexing our database to populate Z01_CATEGORY fields, linking between a local bib file which has Z01_CATEGORY fields populated with defaults (ZZZ) and LCA10 populated with Z01_CATEGORY data from MARC tags no longer works, despite the fact that WFDEV18's wfu01/tab/tab_acc_category files have the "categories mechanism" set to "0". This problem appears to be a bug, if descriptions of tab_acc_category settings are accurate.

    Because FCLA has 11 separate bib libraries in separate Aleph/Oracle instances linked to a remote authority instance we need a phased approach to implementing v18 authority control and reindexing to populate the Z01_CATEGORY fields. This problem would seem to make gradual re-indexing of authority and bib libraries after going into production with v18 impossible and thus puts re-indexing into the critical path of upgrade to v18.

    1) You want to switch to production in v18 with the LCA10 authority database reindexed with the categories mechanism turned on, but you aren't able to reindex all of the Bib libraries to co-ordinate with this switch to production.

    2) Based on our testing, the linking will not work unless the z01_category fields in the Bib and Authority file match. If one is '00 ' and the other 'ZZZ', for example, they will not match.

    3) The purpose of re-indexing the Bibs is to get the appropriate z01_category field populated. If you aren't able to do the Bib indexing, our testing showed that using SQL to update the z01_category field works to cause correct linking.

    4) You can use SQL to change the z01_category in the z01 equal to positions 2 & 3 of the z01_aut_tag field. Since there are some tags (130, 430, 440, 730, and 830) that you DON'T want to use the category mechanism, these should be left as 'ZZZ'. You can probably do all this with one SQL update by indicating something like 'when not '30' or '40' '.

    5) Be sure to set the category mechanism in tab_acc_category on (with '1' in column 2) in conjunction with the SQL update and the beginning of new cataloging in the library.

    The easiest way to turn this off is to remove the tab_acc_category table from the $data_tab directories of the Bib and the Authority libraries. I think you can accomplish the same thing by setting column 2 to '0' for each line of the tab_acc_category tables.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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