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    tab_sort: when column 4 is blank, only first subfield included

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 16.02

    We changed xxx10/tab/tab_sort col. 4 from "a" to "blank" so that all subfields would be taken into account when sorting. When I do a keyword search in LVA10 on "confederate states america army virginia artillery regiment", and then I change the default sort order to be Main term ascending/Cross reference ascending, the main term is not sorting on the entire field; it goes from Confederate States of America -- Army --Virginia Infantry to Confederate States of America -- Army --Virginia Artillery and back again, indiscriminately. It seems to be ignoring the second $b of the 1XX. How can I get this to sort on the entire field?

    The program is including only the subfield "a" in building your ABC10 z101..
    SQL-ABC10> select z101_rec_key, z101_text from z101 where z101_text like 'CONFEDERATE%';.
    Looking at the documents with util f/4 shows that they do have other subfields and that just the subfield "a" has been included..
    There are 5 positions for subfields in tab_sort, column 4. I suggest that you include as many relevant subfields in this column as you can.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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