ue_01 is stalled
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 14.2
SQL shows that there are 2,561 z07 records in xxx01, but ue_01 is not processing any of them.
The run_e_01.log doesn't show any error. (The last line is "HANDLING DOC NO. - 001659561".
Why is this happening?
I tried stopping ue_01 (using util e/2), but after doing so, ue_01 still showed up in the util c/1 active processes. Using the process number shown in util c/1/, I killed the process and then restarted it (using with util e/1).
The records are now being processed.
Note: If ue_01 continues to stall, then note the doc number it is working on. If it is the same in each case, then try deleting this Z07:
SQL> delete from z07 where z07_rec_key = '000012345';
to see if ue_01 then processes the other Z07s OK.
If it stops on another record, note that record's rec-key and delete it also.
When the z07 queue is low, try sending the problem records to the server again -- to see if they also cause the stall in this case. If so, examine the records to see what they have in common. For instance, do they all contain http:// URL's which are being indexed. (KB 16384-9570 describes such a case.)
If it seems that there's a problem indexing a certain field in the record, as a test, try deleting this field to see if it then indexes.
Additional Information
z07, ue_01, faq
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013