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    ue_01 processes bib records which have not been updated

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 16.02

    We find (in the ue_01 log) that the bib library's ue_01 is processing records which have not been updated. Why is this?

    ue_01 processes z07 records. z07 records are written in the bib library when an update occurs to a bib record, but also under other conditions: 1) An update to an associated item or HOL record. Since the sublibrary, collection, call number, and other fields are included in the bib indexes via expand, the programs which update these records will write a z07 for the bib record to make the appropriate bib index updates. 2) ue_08. When a heading is updated in the ACC Headings index and ue_08 has been started with "Create Z07s" = "Y", it will write a z07 for each associated bib record to see if it also needs to be updated. 3) p_manage_40. This batch job generates z07s for a specific set of bib records or a range of bib records.

    Additional Information

    UE_01, log, updated, Z07

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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