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    ue_11_a Log File

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    We noticed today that the ue_11_a log file is rapidly filling up with errors, which could impact our server disk space.

    Searching the KB I found KB 16384-10625 seems to be the source of our problem. Our question is what would happen if we comment out everything in the Library_relations file that doesn't reference ABC libraries? Is there something in there with the USM libraries that is necessary for Aleph to run?

    SQL shows:

    abc50@ALEPH20> select count(*) from z105;

    abc50@ALEPH20> select count(*) from z105 where Z105_TARGET_LIBRARY not like 'USM%';


    The problem is the following lines in the abc50 $data_tab/tab_Z105:

    UPDATE-Z30 1 USM01

    The second line definitely needs to be deleted; the "central to local" function applies to German libraries only....

    If you were using SDI, then you might want to have the first line as:

    But "USM01" is definitely wrong and I don't see any indication (in $alephe_scratch) of any p_sdi_0n jobs being run.

    You should do this:

    1. delete the 2 lines shown above from the abc50 tab_z105

    2. do UTIL-E-12 in abc50 to stop the ue_11 process (and UTIL-C-1 to confirm that it is stopped)

    3. run this SQL to confirm that all the z105s are (still) all for USM:
    SQL> select count(*) from z105 where Z105_TARGET_LIBRARY not like 'USM%';

    4. dlib abc50 and do UTIL-A-17-1 for the z105 (to empty it out)

    5. restart ue_11 (in abc50)

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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