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    ue_nn daemon not processing records; **killing/restarting ue daemon**

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    Though a util e daemon (ue_nn), such as ue_01, ue_06, ue_08, ue_11, or ue_21, shows in util c/1 as active and though there are records waiting to be processed, the $data_scratch log does not show any records actually being processed.

    One cause of this can be the ue process not being stopped by aleph_shutdown prior to a shutdown of Oracle.

    In any case, you need to proceed as follows:

    1. Do util c/1; record the process number(s) (the first number on the far left of the entry) for the process which is not working. (ue_01 has three processes, get the number for each.)

    2. > kill -9 nnnn <where "nnnn" is the process number recorded in step 1>

    3. Do util e/nn to restart the daemon.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013