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    upgrade_express_2101_2201 step 1004 stalls; "timeout occurred while waiting to lock object"

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 22

    Problem Symptoms:
    upgrade_express_2101_2201 step 1004 has been running for 2.5 hours. No errors are seen, but nothing has been written to the log for 2.5 hours. "ps -ef |grep z353" shows two processes still running: "oracle_table_alter usr z353" and "z353_alter_column.sql"

    After killing the processes, both SQL "select count(*) from z353;" and util a/17/3 for z353_id get the following error:

    "ORA-04021: timeout occurred while waiting to lock object"

    Uncertain. But, after restarting Oracle, the above error was no longer occurring, and util a/17/14 showed the z353_id and z353_id1 as present and valid, the record count (comparing to v20 was correct) and util f/4 in v22 for z353 showed them correctly (indicating that they had been correctly converted into the v22 format).

    It *may* have had to do with the fact that the "3. Upgrade Express" step was started before the "6. Backup/Restore Oracle Tables to be Upgraded" step was complete -- which *did* happen. See Article 000024912 ("upgrade_kit_export.log" message when no export was submitted) in regard to this step 6.

    1. Be sure to let upgrade_util step 6 finish before starting step 3 to (possibly) prevent the problem.
    2. If the problem occurs, restart Oracle.

    Additional Information

    Detailed example:

    The following processes started at 10:58 and are still running (at 13:25):

    aleph 23034 22983 0 10:58 pts/0 00:00:00 csh -f

    /exlibris/aleph/upgrade_express_2101_2201/source/proc/oracle/oracle_table_alter usr z353
    aleph 23249 23034 0 10:58 pts/0 00:00:00 sqlplus @./source/1004/z353_alter_column.sql xxx00.

    Mon Oct 27 13:25:57 CDT 2014

    xxx00@ALEPH22> select count(*) from z353;
    select count(*) from z353
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-04021: timeout occurred while waiting to lock object

    util a/17/3 for the xxx00 z353 (to rebuild the Oracle indexes) gets this (after 1/2 hour):

    aleph_admin@ALEPH22> 14:26:01 aleph_admin@ALEPH22> ALTER INDEX XXX00.Z353_ID REBUILD
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-04021: timeout occurred while waiting to lock object

    Category: Installation & Upgrades (500)

    • Article last edited: 10/28/2014